"European, national, local cultural heritage and identity" conference

November 30, 2018
The conference entitled "European, national, local cultural heritage and identity" organised by the University of Szeged focuses on the importance of European, national and local cultural heritage through lectures and workshops.

The plenary lectures of the conference will focus on the theme of European cultural heritage and identity, addressing the following topics:
- Connections of European and national cultural heritage
- European heritage in national literature
- European connections in the architecture of Szeged
- European aspects of Klebelsberg's educational and cultural politics
The afternoon workshop programmes will discuss the following topics:
- Students and learning in international space
- Management and marketing of cultural financing
- Digital identity at the boundaries of globality and localities
- Local identity in Szeged

Project owner: Szegedi Tudományegyetem JGYPK Felnőttképzési Intézet Identitáskutató Műhelye
Venue: Szeged
Contact: http://www.fk.jgytf.u-szeged.hu/tanszek/kozmuv/?page_id=70


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