As part of the industrial heritage campaign of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, EFAITH has defined six theme months. April will be the theme month of Mining and Metals, remembering the fact that on 18 April 1951 the European Coal and Steal Community (ECSC) was established by the Treaty op Paris.

The first program of the April theme month is now online - but events still can and will be added on this link.The organisers call on all European heritage associations to organize special activities relating to mining, quarrying, metal mining and metalworking during forthcoming month. This could be eg. an open house or a guided visit, an exhibition, a debate.

In April a mining heritage weekend is also organised in former coal mine of Beringen (Belgium), April 13-15th.This meeting will bring together associations and volunteers, researchers, and all those who care for the safeguarding of the heritage of mines and quarries in Europe.