21 September 2018, 18:00 - 18:15
In 2018, we remember the end of World War I a century ago, the start of the Thirty Years’ War in 1618 and its end in 1648, in order not to forget how precious peace is for us all. The sound of bells, wherever it is heard, aptly expresses what we want to call to mind during the European Year of Culture 2018 and pass on to our children: the values of solidarity and peace, and our cultural heritage in Europe and for the world.

In Europe, for more than a thousand years the ringing of bells has marked the time for work, for rest and for prayer. Ringing bells gave an audible structure to religious and secular life, served as a tool regardless of culture or religion.

An initiative has been launched to ring the bells together everywhere in Europe for the International Day of Peace on 21 September 2018, from 18:00 to 18:15 to celebrate our common heritage.

More information about the initiative is available under Related files. To participate in the initiative, please register on this link.

Organisers: Association of German Cities, Cultural Office of the Evangelical Church of Germany, Bonifatiuswerk of German Catholics, German Cultural Heritage Committee
Possibility of participation: owners of bells
Website: https://sharingheritage.de/en/ringing-bells-across-europe/